Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year

Most people don't usually get as excited as I do about cleaning, but I get a high from it. I've talked before about my laundry room, how I have it decorated, makes me feel like doing my laundry and keeping it organized. It's the little things that make me smile. The door pulls are butterflies, dragon flies and bees. They make me smile when I look at them. The wall organizer came from Pottery Barn and gives the room the custom look. The pictures of the grandchildren are what inspire me each day.

This past week Steve and I tackled our pantry. How often does a person take everything out, give it good cleaning, throw out the expired items and mentally take an inventory of what you have. How nice it is when you know you already have an item and also know where it is. I am so fortunate to have a large, walk-in pantry and I am ticked pink that during construction I requested a "refrigerator" light for the room. I wanted to make sure every time I opened the door the light was on and it would automatically turn off when the door closed. A convenience I just couldn't live without now.

Organization makes my heart sing. Perhaps it's because I married a "Mister Organized". I can remember our first apartment together. (We didn't live together before we were married, so a lot of things in the beginning were a surprise.). I learned pretty quickly that everything should have and be in its place.

Growing up in a minister's home, we lived in the parsonage, which was owned by the church our Dad was serving. Due to the fact that the home was not technically ours, Mom felt compelled to keep it "company ready" because the door was always open to the parishioners. When you're raised this way, you know no different, and it becomes a habit. Thank you Mom!

The New Year has begun and at our home many projects are underway. The decorations are securely put away for another year and anticipation is in the air for big snows and lots of inside time to do the little things we normally don't want to take the time to do.

Off to a place we hope will be at least as nice as it is here in Nebraska. Perhaps we'll miss a snowstorm while we are there.

Health and happiness in the new year for all,