Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Afternoon Delight!

It looks like a perfect day out. That is if you are a female, there's a great sale and the things you really wanted are half price. It's a bonus for me because even the sun is shining, no humidity and the temperature is only eighty degrees. Thank goodness my driver is feeling available, so this constitutes the aligning of the stars.

Shoppers quickly move from store to store and then from rack to rack. I always wonder what their mission is. What motivates them to spend so much time contemplating the purchase of a particular item. Are they out for a perfect style or color or is it all about the hunt and capture.

I normally don't have the luxury of a sale when it's my turn to hit the streets. My schedule revolves around the kindness of others. So today was a treat all around.

Males just don't understand or care how difficult shopping is and that timing is everything. A woman must be in the right frame of mind, be in the right place, and have the money available before even attempting to jump into the shopping mode. If any of those factors are not marching at the same beat as the others, the whole shebang is lost.

Don't try to understand if you aren't a female and if you are a female, don't even try to explain it. It's as if you're tasting the perfect dessert. Each of our taste buds have different levels of enjoyment and what makes something perfect to one does not necessarily do the same for another.

Now, here's the topper. Steve and I hit the jackpot by having an early dinner at the social hour prices. Half-price! How's that for a perfect afternoon!

I wishing you all a delightful afternoon too!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rock It!

I do not understand all the nuances that take place when you are finishing a basement. I love to watch all of those HGTV programs. The designer hears all the ideas and desires from the home owners, then improves the plan, both parties agree, and they get started. In a mere thirty to sixty minutes, the project begins, has plenty of set backs, and ends up looking like a piece of art.

My darling husband has been working on our son's basement for the last two years and we are not even close to picking out a color for the walls.

Every week, Steve spends some time at Sean's home. When he is in the confines of said basement, I am sure he is diligently working his little heart out. I know the work that he doing is of an expert quality and the finished product will be fabulous. It just seems to me that the project is way over the sixty minute mark and I am getting bored waiting for the reveal.

A peek behind the scene is a necessity at this point of my story. When this venture began in earnest, Steve felt he should take off about a year to assist me in my recovery from brain surgery. He justified this decision by bringing me my mocha in bed each morning. He also spent time on mental health and self preservation by periodically participating in golf games, gardening projects and hanging out with many of his close male neighbors. Of course there were and continue to be numerous doctor appointments, mandatory to my recovery, and since I don't drive, Steve is my designated driver.

Today however, is the first day of drywall going up! We are about to see a glimpse of what the basement could eventually be. I am so excited for all of the parties involved. I do hope we have no more program interruptions until the reveal happens.

Note to self: When HGTV finally calls Steve to request his assistance to produce a show called "Moore for More", politely thank them for contacting him, but at this time he is very busy.

Rock On,

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Deere John

Today it's time to talk grass!  No, not the kind you smoke.  Since I've never done that, I have no material for a presentation of that kind.  I'm concentrating on the grass that grows outside my house.

We live on a golf course, therefore about 5:30 a.m., the first thing I hear is the sound of mowers sprucing up the course.  No birds chirping for me, just mowers.  After eight years, the sound reassures me that life continues to move on.

This morning and approximately every five to six mornings, I'll hear my husband or a neighbor mowing their own yard.  This is not the unusual part of this discussion.  This sound of a John Deere begins the chain reaction of about five other men racing to the garage to retrieve their tractors to begin the parade of the lawn mowers. 

Just picture in your mind, six men racing around their yards trying to out do the other guy in length, design and speed in which a yard can be completed.  Periodically, one, two, three or four of these gentlemen head toward the grass dumping area, as fast as they can go, in a parade formation.  The sight of these gardeners doing this all at the same time, is a sight for sore eyes.  Bonding, I believe they call it.

We only have one gentleman who is not allowed to join the parade.  You see a year ago, this neighbor borrowed a spanking new John Deere and accidentally drove it over a five foot wall.  Thank goodness the neighbor had only minor injuries, but the tractor was deceased.  A memorial was left, in the spot of departure, for over a month.  His wife and other neighbors decided his lawn was better suited for a push mower. 

Signs of Life continue to pop up here daily.  I love to get up in the morning to see what is going to happen next.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Be Prepared!

Preparation is my mantra. It is so important for my peace of mind, to do everything I can do ahead of time. Preparedness refers to most aspects of my life. I will start hours, days or even weeks ahead of time to make sure whatever my goal is, can be accomplished. My stamina has never been one of my strong suits, therefore I have made a habit of spreading out the work as much as possible.

I can remember when my children were in early grade school. At night, I would always help them pick out their clothes for the following day so there wouldn't be any unneeded stress. One night I had gone into our son's room and found his clothes laying on the floor. It really looked like what you would see from a crime scene, you know the chalk drawing. Only this was a "flat-Sean" lying there, complete with socks coming out of the trouser legs. I should have taken a picture of it but we didn't have phones that took pictures that long ago, why we didn't even have cell phones. As this story goes, Sean continued this habit for quite some time. My bet is he quit before college.

Yes, I always still sleep better if I think I have the next day under control. I much prefer to get up leisurely and enjoy a cup of coffee before having to face the rest of the day. So today is the day for me to round up all of the patriotic paraphernalia I have already acquired, and start getting organized. Let me remind you that my Chef Steve is offering to serve our community his famous buttermilk pancakes on the morning of the fourth of July, at our small park across the street from us.

The pleated flag banners have made it to the front of the pavilion in the park today. They look great and I do hope they will serve as a reminder to those residents who have not bothered to email us yet.

Tonight is "wine in the park", so I am hoping to recruit a few friends to help set up the parade route for all the kids and adults, who think they are kids. Maybe I will need to include a few chocolate chip cookies to enhance my recruiting skills.

I've got the plates, silverware and cups. The tablecloths and star-studded napkins are ready to go. thank goodness I inherited the 40-cup coffee pot from my mother. The decorations for the golf cart and tandem have been purchased. Steve and I have matching shirts! Games for the kids to play have been secured.

Please let me know what else I need!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


This past weekend, Steve and I ventured to Stromsburg, NE with our daughter and granddaughter for the annual Swedish Festival. It is imperative for us to take this trek periodically in order to keep in touch with our heritage. The 1,600 residents of this quaint little town claim Stromsburg, the Swedish Capital of Nebraska. The festival commemorates the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.

The festival always begins on Friday night, the third weekend of June since 1953, in the town square. The history is read, the "Swedish King and Queen" are chosen from the community and their court is introduced to all of us. The young Swedish dancers dance their hearts out around the May pole in the costumes made by their mothers and the official festivities have begun.

The festival has not changed much from when I began to attend some 43 years ago. Early on Saturday morning, the Methodist Church (they wouldn't dare trust the Lutherans with this task) serves "Swedish" pancakes. Let me tell you, they have nothing on the "pancake man" my children have met, in our neck of the woods. The tractor pulling contests, for all age groups, horseshoe pitching and soap box derby races.

While we were in town, we tasted Swedish cuisine and melted in the heat while eight year old Arieanna, road the carnival rides with her best friend, Grandpa. I'm not sure who had more fun, Steve or Arieanna, but I do know which one wanted to stop first and it wasn't the short person.

Steve was born in Stromsburg and lived there with his parents and two brothers until he left for college and married me. Steve's father, Stanton, was King of the festival in 1994 and his mother, Orpha, was the queen in 1983. My side of the family is also Swedish, so we both appreciate the food and hoopla that goes on in Stromsburg.

Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event a great success again this year. We respect them for their dedication to make memories for us and others in the community.

Tack sa mycket!

Monday, June 20, 2011


Today I received an email referring to aging. Some of us feel as if we are already in that season of life and feel it is our duty to warn the rest of you...

Aging is just a matter of the mind. Haven't you heard that before? I can tell you from my perspective that I know no single person that doesn't want to be considered young of mind. We make every effort to keep up with the latest lingo, styles, and electronic devices. However, just as we feel we have moved to the next new contraption, we find it already has a "do not buy tag" on the one we just purchased.

Aging is definitely not for the weak. You must be strong to be able to accept your limitations, such as having to turn down dessert to keep a svelt figure, or deciding to wear the shoes that feel good instead of looking good. Making time to stop and smell the roses when the truth is, you really just need to take a breather. Not exactly sure what your real hair color is, because it's been so long since you actually had a color. Trying hard to secure a pair of pantyhose and feeling self-conscious about wearing them. You must, because the blue veins in your legs just don't tan anymore. Eyebrows, what a joke. I've gone to guessing where they are 'cause I sure can't actually see them anymore.

Look at the trials and tribulations of choosing a cell phone or just the thought of giving up your land line. I've had the same phone number for the past 37 years. Some of you aren't even that old. How will people know how to get in touch with me? They may think I moved or, worse yet, died. Can't let that happen.

Should I get the fancy one with the text pad, camera, Internet, and email? So many gadgets... after checking everything out, I think I need the one with voice mail and large, visible numbers. Yep, should be practical.

Intuitive people will keep in mind though, aging means a lot more experience and living has taken place. Wisdom comes from those life experiences. It is important to respect their opinions. In most cases it's "not our first rodeo". We could have valuable information, which shared, could save undo anguish.

Be kind to your elders, even the grumpy ones. Who knows, you may grow grumpy when you are old. Life is short and it won't be long before you see yourself right where your grandparents or parents are.

Wrinkles are a proud sign of life,

Friday, June 17, 2011


Nebraska, along with many other states, is experiencing flooding. Not since 1952 has anyone seen this much water flowing down the Missouri River. I was only two at that time, so I have no recollection of the event.

It appears the excess snow and rain up north, has greatly influenced this current situation. At this time, Gavins Point damn is releasing 150,000 cubic feet of water per second. A person cannot even begin to fathom this amount going through the spillways in Yankton, South Dakota.

I used to live 20 miles from Yankton, in Hartington, Nebraska. My father was the Lutheran minister in this town of 1,600 people. This quaint, little town didn't have nearly enough shopping opportunities for us residents. Therefore, we would often take the trip to Yankton to shop.

Gavins Point has a beautiful park like area on both sides of the river. It was and probably still is a great place for young couples to have a romantic date. I cannot imagine how much force and power is going through the gates at this time. I am sure it is anything but serene.

My brother's family (Larry - no, not the cable guy) lives in Sioux City, Iowa. The city is already getting more water than it can handle. The river front venues are under water and we know it will only get worse.

We can only hope that this flood will change our status from a city on the river, to a city on the beach. Just think about what we can do with all those sand bags. How about using them for a beautiful beach front. Perhaps some of the now flooded parks can remain lakes. Maybe Nebraska will be like Minnesota, another state with 10,000 lakes. We like boating and fishing as much as the next guy but our opportunities are pretty slim.

Check out the website below for unbelievable pictures and it is to get much, much worse. Pray for those affected.

#1 Grandma

Today I began my day with the intension of being the #1 Grandma. I was up early to shower and retrieve a good-looking outfit so when I arrived at our destination I wouldn't embarrass anyone. We left home by eight this morning and you must understand that in a retired person's mind eight is quite early.

The rain began almost instantaneously as we pulled out of our driveway. Of course the "we" I refer to is my driver, darling Steve. We had to drop by a doctor's office to claim the glasses I had left behind. (It's tough realizing that age is catching up with you.) This only added about 20 minutes to our trip.

We arrived at the designated golf course on time, but that's when my desire of being the best grandmother faded. Being dry, and warm seemed to be much more important than the opposite. Kyle, my middle grandson, age 16, is playing in a tournament. I usually love to follow him around in the golf cart. We love to be part of the gallery. On a day such as this though, I can hardly wait until he is featured as a star on the golf channel and I can cheer him from inside.

It is truly a special part of a grandparent's dream to be on the sidelines and encourage a child to accomplish a task they enjoy, and do so well. The rain has stopped and there is still hope I may be able to earn that #1 spot as Grandma. I received a call from Steve that I should join him on the next 9 holes. Yea, and I didn't even get my hair wet! That's what you call good planning.

Kyle is a quiet, intelligent young man. His demeanor on the golf course is fun to watch. First of all, he looks great. He dresses sharp, is slim, maybe a little too slim, and his swing will impress anyone. I know this for a fact, because last Christmas Steve and I took him shopping for a new driver. The sales person asked Kyle if he golfed much. Kyle lowered his head and said "a little". We then proceeded to the area where a person can "practice swing" the club. After the first swing, the poor sales person stepped back and declared he had never seen anyone swing a club that well. You can only imagine how hard it was for us grandparents to keep our smiles normal and peacock feathers in tow. Yes, that's my grandson!

Besides being an excellent student, Kyle also loves to cook. You can tell he has captured the essence of the food channel. A little "wham-bam" thrown in here and there. Very confident!

Grandparents are always proud of their offspring, but our grandchildren just seem to be exceptional.

Remember, your children and grandchildren may be the responsible parties who will determine how and where you reside later in life. I'm doing my best to let them know they are my favorite people in the world and I am privileged to have them in my life.

Love Grandma,

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The sun is a bit brighter today. I suppose that could be a fact since we have had overcast skies lately. Even the clouds seem lighter and more friendly. I feel capable of being free for a few months again.

When you are in the throws of a life threatening disease, every test and following doctor's appointment puts a heavy weight on your shoulders until you get the "all clear" sign. Yesterday, I saw the smile from my oncologist as he entered the room. His smile was from deep inside him. I know this, because together he and I are attacking a very, very rare brain cancer. Even though my doctor specializes in cancer of the brain and lymphoma, this particular cancer has only been seen about 30 times around the world. Treatments to prolong life are experimental.

In 1990, I took a leap of faith and became one of thirty or so patients to receive a transplanted kidney and pancreas. This was highly experimental at the time. There were no guarantees that my body would accept the organs and if they would work. I took the risk and have come out way ahead with a health-filled life.

Because of a generous family making a decision to give life to someone they would never know, I was able to see my children grow into adults and raise there own children.

Life is so fragile. Look at everyday as a gift to you. Make it count! Be the best you can be for yourself and for those around you.

Smile, life is good!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

IPad Too

I received an iPad a number of months ago after being introduced to one by my brother, Keith. Last fall we decided to make a trip to Colorado and enjoy all of it's splendor. While visiting in Colorado Springs, we found all the family members looking great and in fine shape. Along with the mountains, springs, the Air force Academy and handsome great nephews, we also found out about this contraption (the iPad) that we just had to adopt into our family.

The iPad is my link to the world beyond our home. I love that I can enlarge the font, change the brightness intensity or magnify a picture in order for my poor eyesight to be accommodated. Some believe change is not all that it is cracked up to be, but in this case, change is the only way for me to go.

Since our youngest grandson, Evan, has been one, I have helped him look at his mom, dad and sibling's pictures on the iPad. We have read countless action-filled books along with games appropriate for his age. Well, as we knew it would happen, now Evan has received his own iPad, from his parents, as an early birthday gift.

I can hardly wait to see which apps are downloaded on his. Mine probably will not have everything his does, so I hope he'll be patient with me until I can get caught up. Of course he has the iPad2. That means I'm already behind. I believe the older kids will get some time on the Pad when little Ev is asleep, that is if they can sneak it away from under his arm. The child already knows way too much for a 20 month old, but how can you not feed a child knowledge when that's all he wants.

I must inform you that our other grandchildren are also brilliant. (Sounds like a grandma, don't you think?) Each and everyone of them have a special talent and only they can hold such a dear and special place in my heart, as they each do. Again I say, I am a blessed and fortunate person.

May you also feel blessed,

Sunday, June 12, 2011


A new week, a new beginning. I have approached Mondays this way for a very long time. This week may be more of a challenge than some.

Let me catch you up on a few details from last week.
The shorts were a great fit, so I ordered two more colors.
The cookies turned out with plenty of calories, so will be delivering them to the new neighbors.
The invitations to the neighborhood 4th of July brunch have gone out.
The reunion was a big success. The spouses shared with me the same concerns I had, so they were grateful to have someone to talk to.
Still waiting on a decision regarding back surgery.
The letter from my doctor regarding jury duty arrived. After reviewing it, I decided this person should definitely not be trusted with jury duty.

Let me share a portion of the letter with you.

"My patient has been with me for several years. She has unfortunately had numerous health issues, most recently having been discovered with a brain malignancy. She unfortunately has numerous doctor appointment visits and because of her primary diagnosis, is unable to fulfill her jury duty for health reasons. Please excuse this unfortunate lady from her jury summons."

At least it didn't say "The unfortunate lady is deceased." I would say, that's a sure sign of life.

Now back to today. Steve and I just returned from our church bible study group. We had a wonderful brunch and great conversations was had by all. I'm sure there had to have been some reference to scripture somewhere in there, but at this time, I can't recall. God knows what we need at all times and today conversation and hugs was a certain priority.

Along with everything else going on this week, with doctor appointments, etc. Steve and I will celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary. It's so hard to believe that many years have gone by so quickly. I feel like I am only 42 and Steve almost looks like he only 42. (Have I shared with you that I only have vision in one eye and that eye is not quite up to par, maybe that's why I think Steve looks so good to me.)

I truly hope if you are married, you were fortunate to marry your best friend, as I did. I cannot imagine being with another person this long. I do not believe what my doctor wrote in his letter. I am not an unfortunate lady, I am anything but! I am loved by my husband, children and grandchildren. I have wonderful friends and I am a child of God. Who can ask for more.

Most fortunately yours,



Many, many, many years ago...did I say, many years ago? My dear, handsome husband, graduated from a small town high school with approximately 40 other students. This weekend we are attending his class reunion.

Think about it. I, along with numerous other spouses, did not attend school with these people, nor did I spend 18 years growing up with them. I actually know no one. I can hardly wait to go. Yes, I've been to a few of these reunions before and can't really get too excited about the event.

Even though I will be attending with, what I consider, the best looking and kindest guy in the class, I know that Steve will be Mr. Personality and enjoy time with everyone there. I, on the other hand, will get to know a few of the spouses, but secretively will be waiting for the stroke of midnight so I can retreat.

What does a person wear to a reunion anyway? Usually, the type of restaurant dictates the attire, however this will be at a classmate's home. Inside or out would be helpful. Picnic or casual, no clue. Help!

Perhaps, If I was a trophy wife I could waltz in and at least look good. At my stage of I life, I can't even wear cute shoes, they hurt. Okay, I can turn this into a positive. I will pick a conservative, attractive pant outfit, comfortable shoes and paint my fingernails.

I will prepare an emergency list of subjects. I will wear a big, friendly smile. And I will glean as much information as I can from others.

Thank goodness I'm a year younger than Steve so I can practice at his reunion.

The cookies are great, stop by.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Rain Today

The weather seems to set the tone for what I choose to do with my day. Sunshine gets me up early to finish up the bare minimum house duties, so I can be outdoors to enjoy the day. Snow, is not my friend, except it does motivate me to get some deep cleaning done. Now rain, it always sets the mood for baking.

This morning I was all set to begin the task of creating my famous chocolate chip cookies. (No, not for the garbage collectors.) You may ask, why are they famous? Well, I once had similar cookies where the baker had drizzled melted chocolate over the top, and they made the ordinary cookies pretty special. So, from that time on, I felt as if I should do the same.

Keep in mind, I no longer drive. Let me set the scene. It is overcast and rain in eminent. My darling husband Steve, has left for a golf outing, clear across town. I planned ahead and had him place the heavy Kitchenaid mixer on the counter. He purchased chocolate chips the last time he was at the store along with extra sugar and flour. I should be set.

I can already taste the dough. It is mandatory for the baker to taste test the dough. How else do you know if you've put all the ingredients in? The house is mine alone, so I can move at my own pace. I am pumped.

NO BUTTER! I can't believe my eyes, how can this be? All my plans foiled in just one instant. I suppose I could try the neighbors. One last ditch effort - maybe, just maybe, Steve would have a minute to detour back home with the prized ingredient.

Again, to my rescue!

Note to self: Check supplies in advance. Buy extra butter.

May the chips fall your way.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It feels like I am always waiting. When I was very young I can remember wanting to grow up just enough to be able to skate or ride a bike with my older sister or brother. I'm sure the waiting game continued even when I had accomplished those feats because of course, I wasn't big enough to go to the same, far away places, they could, and it would be a very long time before they thought of me as an equal.

I am the "middle" child. There has to be advantages to every position in the family, but when you are in the throws of growing up, surely the order of your birth was not your favorite. Let's see - the oldest has to break in the parents and set a good example for the rest of the kids. The youngest gets away with everything because the parents are worn out and figure you'll live since the others did. The middle child is the parents' only hope. Only the child in this position can imagine the pressure that causes.

Ta-dah! I believe I am finally in the best position of my life. I'm the MOM! This means that I get to make all the rules. Every day when I get up, I can decide exactly what I want to wear. I can make other big choices too, like if I should take my vitamins or not. It is my decision alone whether or not to wash clothes or clean the house starting at the left side of the room or the right. When you are the MOM, everyone listens to your words of wisdom. In fact, they listen so well a Mom feels compelled to repeat it many times. A Mom has the pleasure of propelling the vacuum at any speed she wants and in any room she desires. I ask you, does anyone ever take that privilege away from a Mom? Yes, I have the best position in the family.

Waiting, oh yes, that's where I started today. I had to wait for a phone call to let me know when my ride was going to pick me up. (I can't drive any longer.). I had to wait for the doctor to see me. Now I have to wait to find out if I should proceed with surgery or not and I am again waiting for dear Steve to return from his monthly meeting that I am sure was finished at least an hour ago. Good thing I'm patient.

The waiting is over, my patriotic pleated banners arrived!

Until next time, just hang on,


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It's over 100 degrees today, the wind seems like it is in a hurry to get somewhere. Probably heading for somewhere cooler. I'm glad our trash was picked up early so it didn't have a chance to make unexpected visits to our neighbors.

Is garbage a "sign of life"? Monday evenings our neighborhood driveways become parking lots for garbage cans. The cans stand at attention and await their turn to be flipped upside down by that great big truck every Tuesday morning. I feel like I should leave a big bag of chocolate chip cookies for the dependable collectors. My fear though, is that I would leave them on the lid of the can and, my luck, the automatic truck lifter would flip them in with the rest of the trash. Just can't take that much of a risk with my homemade cookies. I suppose I could get up extremely early and sit outside on the porch waiting for the truck to arrive. After thinking about it though, I don't think I should. I need my beauty sleep more than they need the calories.

Have you ever thought about how you would feel if you went to your mailbox several days in a row and didn't receive anything? Wow, great for the first day or two. No bills, no flyers or junk mail? I'll bet by day number three you would start to worry that someone else was receiving your treasures. Then, a sigh of relief when finally a piece of junk mail arrives. At least you know you're still on the roster. Today, when Steve brought in the mail, my short-lived enthusiasm faded from excitement for the arrival of the shorts I had ordered to, oh no, I have been contacted for jury duty.

Now, I am going to take the call to jury duty as a compliment. You see, that means they think I have the faculties to preside as a juror and it is a sure "sign of life" in my book. That means, there are still people out there causing ruckus and I am still alive! My motto, always find a bright spot.

Hope the shorts fit and that you aren't in need of a jury,


Monday, June 6, 2011

Beautiful Life

Many years ago I read a book, "Living the Beautiful Life" by Alexandra Stoddard. I was a young wife with two small children and I felt like there was never enough time to accomplish the ordinary stuff, much less to live, a so called, "beautiful life". Every day began to look like the day before, and I was sure there was more to life than this. The book pointed out how a person could take an ordinary task and make it feel special. From that time on, I decided to make my life, my family's, and my friend's life "beautiful".

Let me share a couple of examples. Is there any reason we always set the table with the everyday dishes? Spice up the look of a meal by setting a pretty table. I guarantee your food will take on a new sense of importance when it is served on a pretty plate. Good china is NOT just for company. It is for the special people in your life, your family. they deserve your best.

Laundry always seemed like such a chore. Gather the dirty clothes, drag them to the washer, dry, fold, put them away. Not too exciting in my book. Now my laundry room is one of my favorite places to be. Steve, my wonderful husband, painted it a great shade of taupe. My cabinet pulls are silver replicas of butterflies, dragon flies and bees. I have pictures of my grandchildren framed above the coat hooks and I added the gift wrap wall organizer from Pottery Barn. Now I smile when I go into the room. I enjoy the process of laundry and don't mind folding the clothes before I leave the room.

For a while, Steve used to come in the kitchen and notice a vase of flowers or a bowl of fruit on the counter and ask me "Are we living the beautiful life?" Perhaps he's in a "beautiful life" rut by now, but I'm not. It still gives me a sense of accomplishment when our bed is made and the room looks like a magazine. Don't get me wrong, our house is not perfect by far, but everyday I attempt to make a portion of it look better.

When I get to a place in life when I don't care anymore, I will know the signs of life are fading. For the record, I don't plan to see that for a very long time!

Wishing you a beautiful day,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Make a Memory

What is your earliest memory? Think back to times that can make you smile. Perhaps a holiday, a song or a smell will transport you back and trigger an emotion for you.

One of my many goals in life is to create memories for myself and the people around me. Today we began to prepare for our fourth of July event. Our neighbors have formed a dinner club that meets once a month at one of our homes. We have done this for eight years. Now, we decided we needed to involve the rest of the neighbors in some activities, so that's where the fourth comes in.

Remember, I told you I ordered the pleated flags to hang on the park pavilion across the street. Well, tomorrow the invites will go out, via email to the residents, to let them plan for the breakfast Steve and I will serve on the fourth at the park. We are planning a community parade with the kids decorating bikes and the guys showing off their golf carts and John Deeres in a patriotic mode. (Yes, we live on a golf course, so there are golf carts here.)

My goal is to make a memory for my family and friends. Neighbors have been an important part of our life. Friendships are to be treasured and cultivated. If you don't know your neighbors, make it your goal to meet them this week. Even if you've lived by them for years, it's never too late. It takes at least three invites to make a person really feel invited.

Blessings to you this week,

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Perfect Saturday

I am starting my new venture today by writing a blog. Signs of Life

June 3, 2011. Friday

Just saw a program that started me thinking about my next venture of writing. I have been living with brain cancer since diagnosed in January 2010. There are times of elation, such as the days we, Steve and I, receive news confirming the cancer has not raised it's head again. But there are times when something will remind me that my time could be very short.

I have decided to journal. It is good to concentrate on the many signs of life I experience each day.

Two days ago, Wednesday the 1st, Steve and I had the privilege of caring for little Evan, age 20 months. Small children have a way of allowing a person to see the world through their eyes. His delightful smile is so contagious. His enthusiasm for almost everything he does makes one feel renewed with energy. We played Evan's game when we went to have our pictures taken. None of this posed stuff was in his repertoire. The candids reflected Evan's spirit in the room. They are definitely a sign of life.

Thursday the 2nd, encompassed another sign of life. Steve and I attended a funeral service for a elderly mother of a friend of ours. The priest spoke of her life and love for her family. We were told that she was heard laughing hysterically before they found her at peace on her bed. Perhaps she was thrilled at the glimpse she saw of heaven. I am taking that as a sign of reassurance of our life to come. Death is certainly part of life.

Today I ordered pleated flag banners to be flown from the rafters at our small park across the street. I plan to see them for the fourth of July and again for the patriotic holidays in the years to come. To me, our country gives us a chance to enjoy a multitude of wonderful opportunities everyday. I enjoyed a refreshing glass of lemon aid from the neighbor girls' stand. I love that someone took the time to let their girls experience some of the same fun we did many years ago. Another sign of life.

June 4 Saturday

Breakfast on the front patio. Rather, a food bar and a diet coke. But just the same, we are outside, the birds are singing, the wind is calm enough to read the paper and I would say, it's a perfect morning for a garage sale. Yes, we have exactly 12 items to sell. One of which we sold yesterday and I hope the new owners claim it today. Now I know why Steve likes Goodwill so much. No waiting, just drop it off and take the receipt. It's 10:00 already and not one car has barely even slowed down to ponder over the 11 treasures we are about to give to anyone who would stop. Maybe this was not such a good idea. At least we are enjoying the signs of life outside. Okay, if no one comes by with a look of intent in the next 15 minutes, I say, shut it down. Down it goes! t