Sunday, June 12, 2011


A new week, a new beginning. I have approached Mondays this way for a very long time. This week may be more of a challenge than some.

Let me catch you up on a few details from last week.
The shorts were a great fit, so I ordered two more colors.
The cookies turned out with plenty of calories, so will be delivering them to the new neighbors.
The invitations to the neighborhood 4th of July brunch have gone out.
The reunion was a big success. The spouses shared with me the same concerns I had, so they were grateful to have someone to talk to.
Still waiting on a decision regarding back surgery.
The letter from my doctor regarding jury duty arrived. After reviewing it, I decided this person should definitely not be trusted with jury duty.

Let me share a portion of the letter with you.

"My patient has been with me for several years. She has unfortunately had numerous health issues, most recently having been discovered with a brain malignancy. She unfortunately has numerous doctor appointment visits and because of her primary diagnosis, is unable to fulfill her jury duty for health reasons. Please excuse this unfortunate lady from her jury summons."

At least it didn't say "The unfortunate lady is deceased." I would say, that's a sure sign of life.

Now back to today. Steve and I just returned from our church bible study group. We had a wonderful brunch and great conversations was had by all. I'm sure there had to have been some reference to scripture somewhere in there, but at this time, I can't recall. God knows what we need at all times and today conversation and hugs was a certain priority.

Along with everything else going on this week, with doctor appointments, etc. Steve and I will celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary. It's so hard to believe that many years have gone by so quickly. I feel like I am only 42 and Steve almost looks like he only 42. (Have I shared with you that I only have vision in one eye and that eye is not quite up to par, maybe that's why I think Steve looks so good to me.)

I truly hope if you are married, you were fortunate to marry your best friend, as I did. I cannot imagine being with another person this long. I do not believe what my doctor wrote in his letter. I am not an unfortunate lady, I am anything but! I am loved by my husband, children and grandchildren. I have wonderful friends and I am a child of God. Who can ask for more.

Most fortunately yours,


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